How to Enable Google Theft Protection on Your Android Device

Myke Educate

If You Use Android Phone. Please Switch on the Theft Protection on Your Phone Right Now.

This week, Google finally began rolling out the long-awaited Google Theft Protection features, which were first announced back in May. 

These new features are available to anyone with Android 10 or higher, although some functionalities will be restricted to Android 15 and up. One of the most important additions is the Google Theft Protection feature, which is now available on most Android phones and tablets. In this guide, we will show you how to enable Google Theft Protection and explain why it’s essential for your device's security.

1. Theft Protection Lock

Google Theft Protection

Let's begin by opening the Settings app from your Android device. At the top of the screen, use the search bar to type "theft." If the feature has been rolled out to your device, you should see a result for Google Theft Protection.

If you don’t see this option yet, it may be because Google is still rolling out the update. You can wait a week or two for the rollout to complete, or if you're more tech-savvy, you could sideload the update manually by downloading the latest version of Google Play Services.

Once you access the Google Theft Protection page, you’ll find two main toggles:

  • Theft Detection Lock: This feature locks your phone automatically if it detects that someone has stolen it while you were using it. Android uses built-in motion sensors to monitor unusual activity, such as someone abruptly running off with your device. If Google Theft Protection detects such an action, it will instantly lock your phone, preventing the thief from accessing your personal data.
Google Theft Protection

2. Offline Device Lock

Another useful feature under Google Theft Protection is the Offline Device Lock. When enabled, this feature locks your phone’s display when the device goes offline. Thieves often try to block cellular connectivity by placing the phone in a bag or box. Offline Device Lock ensures your phone locks automatically under such circumstances, keeping your data secure.

Both Theft Detection Lock and Offline Device Lock are disabled by default, so you’ll need to enable them manually by navigating to the Google Theft Protection settings page.

3. Additional Features and Recommendations

In addition to the Google Theft Protection features, you will find shortcuts to related security features like Remote Lock and Find My Device. While the Find My Device feature is enabled by default, the others need to be manually activated. It’s a good idea to enable these security measures as soon as possible to protect your device before any potential theft occurs.


The rollout of Google Theft Protection has been somewhat slow, with some users already having access on devices like the Pixel 8 and Galaxy S23, while others are still waiting. If you don’t have access yet, be patient—it should be available soon. In the meantime, enabling these features can give you peace of mind, knowing your personal data will be safe in the event your device is stolen.

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