How to Grow a Blog Audience Fast - You’ll Be Oh-So-Happy You Tried

Myke Educate
How to Grow a Blog Audience Fast

Get Your First 1000 Readers: Proven Strategies for Fast Blog Growth!

One of the most frequently asked questions is how to grow a blog audience fast. Over the years, I’ve figured out how to grow blog traffic effectively, and I’m going to share my tips with you.

First, we’ll start with a technical perspective on increasing page views, including what worked and didn’t work for me. Then, I’ll dive into platforms, discussing which ones are worth your time and which aren’t—some of my findings may surprise you!

How to Get Blog Traffic with SEO

If you’re randomly thinking of blog post ideas and writing them down without structure, chances are they won’t perform well. You need to focus on SEO—Search Engine Optimization. Research it, Google it, and watch videos about it. SEO is essential for running a successful blog. It tells Google and other social platforms exactly what your content is about, helping them direct the right audience to your website.

For example, if this post wasn’t optimized for SEO, it would be difficult for YouTube or Google to know that it’s about "how to grow a blog audience fast." Technology is advanced, but writing SEO-friendly content makes it easier for algorithms to serve your content to the right people.

I write every blog post with SEO in mind. From the title to the subheadings, keywords, and even image alt-text, every element is optimized. Even if you’re new to blogging, understanding and implementing SEO in your journey can significantly increase your traffic over time.

Write For Your Readers, Not Yourself

Grow a Blog Audience Fast

Every post on your blog should be written for your readers, not for you. For instance, if I titled a blog post "My Cooking Routine," it would likely get fewer page views compared to a post titled "The 12 Best Cooking Routine Every Girl Needs." The content is quite the same, but the title and framing or the way it was sentenced make it about the reader, not me.

People are naturally self-centered when browsing online. They actually want to know what’s in it for them. When I started my blog, no one cared about me or my personal life. Now, three and a half years later, some readers are interested in my personal stories, but that took time to build.

Focus on crafting titles that resonate with your audience. Study popular websites like BuzzFeed to understand their methods. Their titles are carefully designed to attract clicks, and there’s much to learn from them.

Platforms That Drive Blog Traffic


Pinterest is the best platform for driving traffic to your blog. It’s unique because people go there specifically to find content and click through to websites. My blog gets around 500 views monthly from Pinterest alone. From the start, Pinterest has been crucial for growing my blog.


Instagram, surprisingly, brings in less than 1% of traffic to my blog. While it’s great for building a community and brand loyalty, it’s not effective for driving traffic. If you’re just starting, I wouldn’t recommend focusing on Instagram. It’s not worth the investment early on.


YouTube has been an unexpected source of traffic. By offering something valuable, like free printables or resources linked in video descriptions, you can drive significant traffic to your blog. While it takes effort, YouTube has proven to be a worthwhile platform for me.


TikTok is incredible for gaining followers quickly, but it’s less effective for driving blog traffic due to its limitations in linking directly to blog posts. However, if something goes viral, it could still be worth exploring.

In summary, focus on SEO and Pinterest to grow your blog audience. Other platforms like YouTube and Instagram have their uses, but Pinterest is the most effective for traffic growth. Remember, building blog traffic takes time and consistent effort, but the results are worth it.

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