Save Smart: 6 Innovative Ways to Double Your Savings NOW!

Myke Educate

How to Double Your Savings Easily

I'm Myke, an accountant and former investment trader. In this post, I’m going to reveal six things I did to double my savings easily and how you can do the same without making drastic changes to your lifestyle. Let’s dive in!

1. Make It Simple by Breaking It Down

financial planning (e.g., a budget sheet).

This strategy might sound too simple, but it’s highly effective—and often overlooked. To get started, take two essential steps:

Step 1: Break Your Goal Into Manageable Chunks
For instance, if you aim to save $10,000, the number may seem intimidating. But if you break it down:

  • To save $10,000 in 12 months, you need to save approximately $193 per week.
  • Want to save the same amount in 6 months? You’ll need to save about $385 weekly.
  • A 3-month timeline? Save $770 per week.

Breaking it into smaller goals makes it feel more attainable.

Step 2: Automate Your Savings
Set up an automatic transfer from your main account into a dedicated savings account. Automating ensures you pay yourself first and reduces the temptation to overspend. Over time, this builds a robust savings habit.

2. Revise Your Top Three

The easiest way to free up money for savings is by focusing on your largest expenses. According to the Office for National Statistics, housing and transportation account for almost 50% of the average person’s take-home pay. Here’s how you can tackle them:

Housing Costs:

  • Negotiate your rent. Discuss with your landlord for a potential reduction by offering something in return, like signing a longer lease or relinquishing unused amenities.


  • Review your car insurance. Are you paying for features you don’t need?

Adjusting these major expenses can yield significant savings.

3. Ask Yourself These Two Questions

When tempted by a purchase, pause and ask yourself:

  1. Do I Really Need This?
    If the answer is no, cut back on discretionary spending to stay on track.

  2. Can I Get This Cheaper?
    Look for alternatives—compare prices, wait for sales, or consider buying secondhand. These steps channel more funds toward your savings goal.

4. Start With Debt Repayments

High-interest debt costs you more than you can earn through savings. Here’s why:

  • Saving $5,000 at 4% annual interest yields $200 in a year.
  • Meanwhile, $5,000 in credit card debt at 18% interest costs $900 annually.

The $700 gap highlights why paying off high-interest debt is crucial. Once cleared, savings can grow without the drag of compounding debt.

5. The Think-Want-Do Framework

Categorize your spending into three buckets:

  1. Think: Essentials like rent, groceries, and utilities.
  2. Want: Discretionary spending like dining out or hobbies.
  3. Do: Future-focused savings and investments.

Evaluate how much you think you spend in each category, compare it to what you want to spend, and track your actual spending. Redirect savings from unnecessary expenses into your future goals.

6. Focus on the Other Side

While cutting costs and optimizing spending are essential, increasing your income provides even more room to save. Consider:

  • Starting a side hustle or business.
  • Negotiating your salary or switching jobs.
  • Selling unused items.

There’s a limit to how much you can save, but the potential to earn more is unlimited.

By following these six strategies, you can double your savings easily without overhauling your lifestyle. Begin today, and you’ll soon see significant progress! 

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