UNBELIEVEBLE! Your Android Is Spying On You |Here’s How To TURN IT OFF!

Myke Educate


Stop Phone Tracking: Android Privacy Settings You Need to Change

Did you know that your phone is constantly tracking your activities, even listening to your conversations and keeping your records exposed to hackers? It monitors which apps you use, what you write, and what you search on the internet. 

These default features on every Android phone not only invade your privacy but also drain your battery and slow down your device.

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to disable three critical settings to optimize your Android privacy settings and stop your phone from tracking you. Your phone will work faster, last longer on a single charge, and most importantly, no longer monitor you.

Why You Should Stop Phone Tracking Immediately

By default, Android phones have multiple features running in the background that:

  • Drain your battery life.
  • Slow down your device.
  • Collect personal data, including browsing habits, messages, and even voice recordings.

It’s time to take control of your privacy and disable these intrusive settings. Here’s how to stop phone tracking on your device.

Disable Personalization Using Shared Data

  1. Head to Settings: Open the main settings on your Android phone.
  2. Scroll Down to Google: Tap on “Google.”
  3. Access All Services: From here, tap on “All Services.”
  4. Go to Privacy & Security: Scroll down to find the Privacy & Security section.
  5. Turn Off Personalization Using Shared Data:
    • Tap on “Personalize Using Shared Data.”
    • Here, you’ll see a list of applications that can monitor everything you do on your phone.
    • Turn off all the apps listed to stop this monitoring.

This feature unnecessarily drains your battery and slows down your phone. By disabling it, you’re enhancing both performance and privacy.

Settings Navigation Screenshot

Turn Off Usage & Diagnostics

Another hidden feature that collects your usage data is “Usage & Diagnostics.” Here’s how to turn it off:

  1. Go back to the Privacy & Security section under “Google.”
  2. Tap on Usage & Diagnostics.
  3. Turn it Off:
    • This feature sends information about how you use your phone, what apps you open, and other diagnostics data to Google.
    • It causes your phone to slow down and drains the battery quickly.

Disabling this will significantly improve your phone’s performance.

Turning Off Usage & Diagnostics

Disable Personalized Ads and Reset Advertising ID

The last setting to change relates to personalized ads. This feature collects personal data, such as what you type, search for, and even say near your phone's microphone. Have you ever spoken about a product only to see ads for it moments later? This is why.

Follow these steps to turn off personalized ads:

  1. Go to Settings > Google > All Services.
  2. Scroll down to the Privacy & Security section.
  3. Tap on Ads.
  4. Reset Advertising ID:
    • Tap on “Reset Advertising ID.”
    • Confirm by selecting “Delete Advertising ID.”
    • This deletes the information the feature has already collected about you.

By doing this, you will prevent advertisers from tracking you for targeted ads.

After resetting the ID, your phone will no longer track your activities for ad personalization.

Benefits of Turning Off These Settings

By optimizing your Android privacy settings, you’ll experience the following improvements:

  • Faster Performance: With fewer background services running, your phone will operate more smoothly.
  • Longer Battery Life: Disabling unnecessary tracking prevents battery drain.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Your personal data will no longer be monitored or shared.

Taking control of your phone’s settings ensures that you’re not unknowingly giving away sensitive data to third parties.

My Education Tips

Your phone doesn’t need to monitor your every move to function correctly. By following these steps to disable intrusive settings, you’ll stop phone tracking, improve your Android privacy settings, and enjoy better phone performance.

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