I have been a teacher for 4 years, teaching in three different schools and it all started right after Senior High School. So today I am going to show you how I got started to becoming a teacher after SHS and am also going to guide you with files that can help you become a teacher after SHS in Ghana.
Alright, so here is a brief story about my becoming a teacher after SHS.
I completed SHS in 2018 as a General Science student, and joined teaching in the private sector, two months after completing SHS. It wasn't easy gathering the confidence to submit an application for employment as a teacher but in order to get better at something, you must give it a try.
I asked myself a lot of what-ifs questions but the major what-if question I know every SHS graduate thinking of moving into teaching would ask is "What If I Am Asked To Bring My WASSCE Results" and the answer is "THEY DON'T NEED IT", whether you did well or not, it is not needed, you experience after the interview and other trails will show how qualified you are.
I was good at I.C.T currently known as computing, so I wrote an application letter, and added my CV then applied to be a teacher teaching computing and luckily, I was admitted.
I taught in the school for months getting to a year then moved to other schools where I taught Career Tech (B.D.T), Social Studies, Science, and R.M.E.
I know you can make it easily if you follow my guide carefully.
So What Are The Preparations for Becoming A Teacher After SHS or Senior High School?
The Key points are An Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae.
1. Confidence.
I know how difficult it would be for some of us to approach a boss to seek for employment whilst others can gather the courage and apply for a job. So gathered that courage and have your purpose for joining the teaching community.
2. Application Letter.
Before you can head on to the school for employment, you will need to write an application letter, informing the director the purpose of your letter and how confident you are at working with them.
Read This: 10 Application Letters Samples For Teaching
3. Attach A Curriculum Vitae.
Once you are done with your application letter, you will need to add a Curriculum Vitae.
What Is A Curriculum Vitae?
This is a document that states your identity, how you can be contacted, and your experience in applying for the job. This document is attached to any application letter you write as further details.
Here is a Sample you can download and Edit yourself for Printing
4. Submit Your Application.
Once you have these two documents, i.e. CV and Application letter, you can then submit it to the school for application. I would advise you to submit the application to Private Sector Schools closer to you. If you select faraway schools, you might waste much money on fares, so choose Private schools closer to you.
5. Patience And Wait To Be Called.
Once the application is submitted, you might be told to go and be called later. So have patience and wait till you are called for an interview. There are some private schools that would admit you at that moment especially if they need teachers urgently. So be prepared to start now or be called later.
6. Interview.
Once you are called to come back to the school, you will be interviewed by the director or the head of the school to know your confidence in the position you are applying for. Salary and other allowances would be discussed with you, and other activities in the school would also be made known to you. Confidence is key, be truthful in your answers, and don't be too proud or overconfident.
7. Applied.
Once you have started working with them, try hard to show how hard-working you are and how ready you are to contribute to the school's academic and any other performance.
I hope this guide has helped you a lot, once you get applied, please kindly come back here and comment I GOT ADMITTED, to make me happy. Remember, I am doing this for the love I have for you all.
Myke Educate.
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